Kreativ Research Association is a nonprofit apolitical organization which was founded by a group of experts (teachers and social workers, entrepreneurs in the field of social work) from Caras-Severin county, West Region of Romania in 2016. The aim of the Kreativ Research Association is to decrease the economic, social, educational and cultural differences in the society, by providing a high level of researches and expertise to the local and regional stakeholders in the field of social work.
The main objectives of the Kreativ Research Association are:
– To realize and promote high quality researches as a solid base for the community social and economical development;
– To promote the social inclusion of the disadvantages communities (focusing on Roma) and the policies against discrimination, tolerance, diversity and equal chances in the society;
– To develop professional training programs and courses for youth and adults (including teachers’ training) in the fields of social communication, human rights and civic participation, media education and environmental issues targeting the rural and poor communities;
– To increase and to support the advocacy activities and public information campaigns of the citizens living in the rural area and in the poor urban communities in order to raise their consciousness of their civil rights and the legal measures of defend and protect themselves or their local issues;
– To promote media education, ecological education and intercultural education among by cultural, educational and social activities in the rural area
According to our objectives, our activities are tackling and they interconnect with more fields like: education and professional training, social work researches, community development, human rights, environment, youth work and volunteering.
In the youth work field our activities are in most cases connected with the other activities of the partners’ NGO. Our main expert has been working for over 10 years in youth projects and within Roma community as academic and as a NGO’s representative in several projects.
Kreativ Research Association develops professional training programs for the teachers’ of the undergraduate level in cooperation with the Caras-Severin House of Didactic Personnel and universities.
As a rural NGO’s, Kreativ Research is involved as a member in the Local Action Group and is being an active partner of several local councils of the region.
In the time, we have a great expertise in educational projects as some the members and staff of Kreativ Research are academics, teachers, social workers and top management of economic companies that work and employ with disadvantaged persons or within poor communities.
Another important area of expertise of our NGO is the civic involvement and voluntary work which has been extended from simple volunteers to public local campaign (e.g. against deforestation)
In the past year, we developed a constant activity together with our international partners in the field of education and international scientific research on social issues: migration, multiculture, children and internet & media